Dream Book Academy


A–Z soul-led writing, self-publishing & marketing support

…so you can finally become a published author!

Has the spirit of your book been nudging at you?

You've seen how your life experiences and your message can inspire people, and your purpose is to share your unique perspective with a wider audience.

Maybe you've gone through some things — like a spiritual awakening or a life-changing event and feel the intuitive pull to share your story.

Or maybe you're a coach, leader, changemaker or healer with a lot of wisdom and you know how to get people more aligned, alive and authentic.

It’s time to step into BESTSELLER ENERGY and transform thousands of lives with your very first book!

Maybe you...

Have some ideas and a basic outline but you're having trouble organizing your ideas in a meaningful way.

Find yourself staring at another blank page again and would love some encouragement, accountability and support.

Dream of making a massive impact, leaving a legacy or creating a movement.

Are feeling some self-doubt or imposter syndrome, wondering if anyone will even care what you have to say or if you're good enough to write a book.

Are intimidated or confused at the thought of selling and marketing your book.

Are a bit of a rebel, and want to do things on YOUR terms.


A magical and collaborative
"work WITH you" program,

designed for soul-led, purpose-driven women who desire personalized support, accountability, feedback and guidance in writing, self-publishing and selling their memoir, self-help, spiritual or business book.

We remove all the guesswork so you can proudly and confidently share your message with the world, publish on YOUR terms, and get your book into your dream reader’s hands while starting a movement that changes lives.

You don’t require a writing degree, an audience or marketing experience to start, we’ll teach you everything you need to know. It’s no longer about waiting for a publisher to validate your ideas; YOU move first and make your wildest dreams come true.

Dream Book Academy is not just another online course. We're an implementation hub with a holistic approach, blending strategy and energy, heart and head, and flow and structure. This is your sign that you no longer need to worry about the “doubts” and the “how.”

The world needs your story; it’s my job to help you get it out there.

The end result?

A beautiful, high-quality book you can be proud of

Attract dream readers who resonate with your story

Generate passive book sales in your sleep

Master the business side of publishing and marketing without feeling lost and confused

A renewed sense of self-confidence as the next chapter of your life unfolds

This is the program I wish I had 8 years ago.


Hi, I'm Pia, 
and self-publishing my books has changed my life

Pia Edberg Best Selling Author

I’m a 5x Bestselling Author, Intuitive Book Doula, Certified Editor, Witchy Woman, Oracle & CEO.

Having sold tens of thousands of copies of my own books and pioneering the Hygge movement, I still bring in continuous sales every month — resulting in multiple 6-figures in total revenue! I've also helped hundreds of clients/students write and self-publish their own books too, all using our proven system in Dream Book Academy.

AND... I started with zero writing credentials, zero audience, and zero marketing experience.

My books have allowed me to quit my stressful 10+ year full-time job in VFX/Animation to pursue my dreams of becoming an author and entrepreneur. They've transformed the lives of thousands of people, and it never gets old when I get a heartwarming message from someone who no longer feels anxious or depressed because of my words.

It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from. You can write a book, make a massive impact, and kickstart that movement that stirs deep inside your soul. 

Let's get together and make some book magic happen, shall we?

As featured in

The Dream Book Academy™ Roadmap

After years of trial and error writing, self-publishing and marketing my own books, as well as helping hundreds of students with theirs, I've created a 3-step proven system to take you from IDEA to PUBLISHED BOOK and sales beyond the launch. Expand for more.

  • Module 1: Learn the energetics of writing, mindset and identity shifts using our guided meditations, tools and worksheets so you can step into BESTSELLER ENERGY and feel confident and motivated as a published author while attracting the success you desire

    Module 2: Get clear on your Dream Reader, Core Message, and the VISION for your book with our exercises and visualizations so you can know exactly who you're writing to and how your book will work for you

    Module 3: Brainstorm, outline, structure and plan your book with our playful and mind-expanding exercises and never get stuck on ideas again

  • Module 4: Collapse time and tap into a state of flow so you can let go of writer's block and write your book in 1/4 of the time it usually takes! Stay motivated and write your first draft using our proven Onion Book Writing Method™ and pre-formatted book template with complete book sections and instructions on what to write. Learn writing strategies that will improve your overall skills and messaging so you can get your ideas across in a well thought-out manner.

    Module 5: Easily edit your book, including tips for self-editing, finding beta readers and asking them the right questions, and where to find professionals for copy editing and proofreading

  • Module 6: Book Production 101, and self-publish your high-quality book using our VIP roster of talented designers, and get your book online with confidence.

    Module 7: Launch your book to Amazon #1 Bestseller Status using our templates, checklists and guides, and build buzz around your upcoming release. Optimize your book through strategic category and keyword research.

    Module 8: Get clear on your vision and brand, market and monetize your book for years to come in a fun, authentic and aligned way. Get templates and tips for press releases, getting into bookstores, podcasts, blogs, speaking gigs, media attention, and collaborate with other thought leaders and businesses so you can generate even MORE sales!

Authors we’ve worked with

For more Author Books and Testimonials

Become an authority.
Transform lives.
Leave your legacy.

Imagine holding your published book in your hands! Maybe it's on the shelves of your favorite bookstore or sold at one of your speaking gigs? There is NO other feeling like holding your book in your hands for the first time. 

Envision a confident new you. Overcome that nasty impostor syndrome and fear of failure, and step into the highest version you — the one who's designing a life on their own terms, and connected to their purpose.

What would it feel like to become an instant authority and have the ability to transform lives? My books have prevented suicides, cured anxiety and depression, and given readers a new lease on life. What if your words could completely turn someone's life around?

What would an extra $100, $1,000 or $10,000 mean to you? Imagine waking up every morning and logging into your computer to see the money you've made overnight in your sleep!

The Dream Book Academy Hybrid Experience Includes:

The Dream Book Academy Portal: 8 in-depth modules with step-by-step instructions to help you write, self-publish and organically sell your book, plus over 30 tools, templates, and powerful meditations to help you publish with ease. (Lifetime access)

Private Facebook Mastermind Community: Get 24/7 access to like-minded aspiring and published authors to connect, get support, accountability, ask questions, and share your wins. (Lifetime access)

Bi-Weekly Group Q&A Calls: Ask questions, get personalized feedback and support, or gain transformations and insights from others. (Lifetime access)

VIP Access to Trusted Service Providers: Hire the right professional editors, cover designers, formatters, marketing/PR experts, translators, website designers, etc. at any budget. (Lifetime access)

20,000 Words of Writing Feedback OR Copy Editing: Specific and actionable feedback on ideas, tone, structure, flow, so you can become a better writer, or copy editing for grammar, spelling, style, punctuation, consistency and wordiness issues. (Tier 1 only, additional editing available upon request)

6x 1:1 Private Book Coaching Calls with Pia: Use however and whenever you'd like! Whether it's brainstorming, writing, friendly and empathetic support, business coaching, a customized self-publishing plan/timeline, aligned author branding/marketing, launch strategy or tarot for writers. (Tier 1 only)

Lifetime membership: $10,000 Value

Tier 1, High-Touch: $2997 USD (includes editing/feedback & 6x 1:1s)


Tier 2, Low-Touch: $1497 USD (
excludes editing/feedback & 6x 1:1s)

Payment plans available. Upgrade anytime.
Email pia@piaedberg.com for questions.


Over $5000 of amazing BONUSES!

The Ultimate Self-Publishing Planner:  A 6-month done-for-you Trello and GoogleSheets planner to help you organize, track and plan your book ($297 value)

Outline Your Book Challenge: Our proven method for choosing a book idea, creating a clear and powerful outline, staying on track and finding your writing voice, while staying true to your book's message. ($397 value)

Pre-Launch Social Media Content Checklist so you can get your potential readers invested and ready to buy your book BEFORE you launch. ($197 value)

Quantum Shift Into Your Author Identity: Meditations and practices to help you step into your author identity so you can attract the success you desire as a published author. ($397 value)

Book Launch Calendar & Checklist: Everything you need to launch and market your book to Amazon #1 Bestseller and beyond! ($497 value)

Done-For-You Templates: Press releases, TV/Radio/Podcast pitch letters, bookstore outreach request letters, and legal release to use someone's name in your book. ($497 value)

Plug & Play Pre-formatted Book Template so you can save time organizing, researching and dealing with all the annoying technical things. Includes detailed writing instructions, copyright text, required book sections, etc. ($297 value)

Aligned Audience Building and Marketing Workshop so you expand your social media reach online and generate more book sales. ($397 value)

Clear Your Limiting Beliefs: Heal and clear your subconscious mind with our 8-step process so you can take action with ease. ($unlimited value)

Book Shoutout: We'll share your book to our email list so your book can get even MORE exposure! ($unlimited value)

Industry-expert workshops and new resources added/updated regularly.

"Imagine what it would feel like to finally hold your book in your hands..."

You might be wondering...

  • There are SO many benefits to joining us such as:

    • Saving time, headache and mistakes researching everything

    • Everything you need is available in one place

    • Ongoing support, accountability, motivation and encouragement

    • Keeping creative control

    • Greater financial rewards, higher royalty, retain your rights

    • Price control

    • Networking and business opportunities

    • Build credibility and authority

    • Transform lives

    • Quicker time-line

    • Sense of accomplishment and confidence

    • Reconnect with your intuition and inner child

    • The benefits are endless!

  • We value personal responsibility and not waiting for external validation to tell us if our mission or book idea is good enough. Self-publishing allows you to do things on your terms and own your rights.

    While traditional publishing houses have relationships with big retailers, they have a poor track record, keeping 85-90% of your hard-earned royalties (vs. you keeping 70% self-publishing) and all your rights and creative control. Plus, your book is only guaranteed in stores if it does well. Having worked at publishing houses myself, bookstores look at your “stats”to see if your book is good enough to sell.

    The truth is, most successful authors who are traditionally published ALREADY had success and a large following, so a book deal makes easy money for publishers.

    If you’re just starting out, with no writing credentials, audience or marketing experience, it’s better to self-publish your book and take matters into your own hands. You can do just as good of a job — as long as you have the right strategies and tools that we teach you in Dream Book Academy.

  • Not at all! This program is designed to help you no matter what stage you're at. You can join with absolutely no idea about what you want to write. We have exercises to brainstorm and draw out your best ideas. Or, you can even join if you've already finished writing your first draft and dive straight into editing, self-publishing, launching and marketing.

  • While the academy is open to ALL genres, most of the "writing" resources are catered toward nonfiction:



    health & wellness

    business & career






    creative nonfiction

    The rest of the self-publishing and marketing process works for any genre. The main purpose of this group is to offer a safe and supportive space to help your dreams come true.

  • We would absolutely love to guarantee results, but your results will be based on the effort and time you put into your book. However, I can confidently say that if you show up and do the work, you WILL have a published book in your hands.

  • Absolutely, send me an email at pia@piaedberg.com to find out about our other packages!

  • Take a moment to embrace the nervousness instead of resisting it. Ask yourself if it's excitement or a genuine concern. If it's really uncomfortable, maybe it's not the right time or fit. However, if it's mixed with excitement, this is a positive sign. This program could change the entire trajectory of your life. Fear is your body protecting you from the unknown (which is SO normal), but facing it can lead to amazing transformations! If you're nervous but excited, embrace the fear and come into our magical world!

    **Got more questions? DM me on Instagram or Contact me here!

Still wondering if this is for you?

We've helped authors write books about:

Spiritual Awakenings, Existential Crises, Health & Wellness, Manifestation, Business & Entrepreneurship, Money Consciousness, Poetry, Burnout, Mediumship, Divorce, Cancer Healing, Grief & Loss, Nervous System Regulation, Motherhood, Kid's Books, Journals, Career, Childhood Trauma, Self-Love, Art, Plant Medicine, Alcoholism, College Life, Christianity, Galactic Beings, Akashic Records, Simplicity, Gratitude, Joy, Authenticity, etc.

Kind Words

Join us on Instagram.

For the dreamers, changemakers, and paradigm shakers.

For the dreamers, changemakers, and paradigm shakers.

It's not just publishing a book, it's the timeline to your destiny.